If you've tried it before, try it differently

My Approach

No workbooks, no worksheets, it’s completely personal to you

STep 1: Discovery

If you struggle with anxiety, maintaining healthy relationships, or are simply overwhelmed with extra responsibilities - pressure at work, helping with children’s homework, or caring for elderly relatives with no one lifting the burden - then this is the perfect moment to jump on a call.

I'll ask you some questions to help me a build a better understanding about your coaching needs and how we can move forward together. 


step 2: Exploration

 From there, I will create an entirely personalised journey to help you find direction and fall back in love with your life.

There's unrealised potential in you - we will rediscover the things that make you, "you" and move you forward to a fulfilled life.

We will process past pain so it stops re-emerging everytime another difficulty comes up in your life. 

I teach strategies to ensure you can deal with current life stress, reignite your energy and boost your self esteem.

step 3: Change

As a woman it is more often than not you bear the brunt of family duties, maintaining stressful relationships, not feeling confident that you deserve that promotion. But, through this coaching you will learn that you deserve respect. Your time is valuable and you are worthy of love and support. 

Life will always throw curve balls at us.

Our sessions will give you the tools to help you understand your mindset and approach to problems that come your way.

They will help you to become more 'solutions focussed' and overcome negative thought processes.


  • You are looking after everyone else infront of your own needs, and you have lost your identity
  • You don't know how to move forward, in life, career or relationships
  • You don't understand why your relationships are so intense
  • You feel that you haven't let go of painful past experiences
  • You feel that your passions are a frivilous choice and an irresponsible path to take
  • You have tried and tested counselling, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) before and it hasn't worked
  • You feel like you need a support system, a friend and coach who can listen calmy and guide you consistently. 

If any of the above apply to you then you are in the perfect place - you can book in a discovery call with me now or read below to find out a bit more about me. 

About Me

Hello, my name is Sarah Wilson and my approach is to provide access to a beautiful journey through talking therapies which includes counselling the issues out, coaching, mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, visualisation and journaling.

Set up during the pandemic in 2020, I wanted to create a coaching method for my clients which took the best of the talking therapies and strategies I had previously experienced and used. I use these strategies to draw out issues and build my clients back up to a point where they feel ready to take control and move forward with their lives.

Through this journey, I allow women to find happiness and strength inside of themselves. I want to see them grow and become full of self confidence, moving forward, having a life plan, getting that promotion, booking that holiday with the kids, and maintaining healthy relationships. 

Change is inevitable, progression is a choice - It is entirely possible to move forward securely in a safe and supported environment. 

I have been coaching for a number of years before opening my practice and have worked in social housing, child protection, domestic violence and social care. I live with my husband, two children and our menagerie of pets. I love Prosecco, binge watching Netflix, Coastal or Woodland walks and Musical Theatre.

My Services

After our initial 45 min free zoom call takes place to get to know each other, talk about the problem and the process I will create an entirely personalised journey to help them find direction including the following strategies.


Face-To-Face coaching

journaling & visualisation

Cognitive behavioural therapy

what my clients say


After putting it off for so many years I finally took the plunge and my gosh was it life changing. Sarah was just amazing. I am very difficult to work with in terms of always thinking of negatives to pull out so I have an excuse to quit but I immediately warmed to Sarah and felt like I could talk without judgement. It felt really good to have someone listen to me and make sense of all the chaos in my head.


When I came to Sarah I had completely lost sense of who I was. I didn’t know where to start to get ‘me’ back.

Sarah was fantastic - she made me feel at ease straight away. She was very clear and concise and I felt in safe hands. My journey has been amazing - lots of ‘ah ha’ moments to begin with, then some challenging practical steps which seemed daunting at first but have helped me massively, and now I have come away with tools to help me keep on track and not gradually slide back into my old ways (something I was so worried about).


My life outlook has changed entirely since starting coaching with Sarah, I feel optimistic about the future and confident about the steps to take towards achieving my goal.

My time with Sarah was transformational.

I recommend her coaching to anyone that wants to make a change in their life. She certainly changed mine.


Find answers to some of my frequently asked questions.

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as 'partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential'. 

Although we will talk about the issues which caused the difficulty, coaching focusses more on moving your forward in a positive way than on the issues themselves.

You have amazing potential inside each and every one of you just dying to be let out. But at some point in our lives we forget how awesome we could be. Working together I can help and support you to tap back into that potential and find "you" again.

At the start of each session we will agree what you want to discuss in the time we have - usually 60 minutes. The coaching sessions are a mixture of guided conversations with some mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy strategies relevant to the difficulties you are facing. 

Sessions will include discussions around how you view yourself, your values and what is holding you back. We will explore your self-limiting beliefs, fears and habits and how these impact on the difficulty and your life as a whole.

Due to COVID-19 all sessions are currently carried out remotely via Zoom or FaceTime. Having initially worried that not seeing people face to face would be a barrier, I am happy to say this hasn't been the case and I've built lovely relationships with my clients during this time. 

When the pandemic calms I will offer the option of face to face sessions or remote sessions.

We will regularly check in to see how you feel you are progressing. At the start of each session we will set a 'mini goal' of what you want to achieve in that session and check near the end that you feel we have achieved it.

If you have any concerns at any point, just let me know and we can change what we are doing and try something a bit different. 

It depends on the difficulty you are experiencing. The contract is for 6 sessions and then becomes a rolling contract for any further sessions you have. During the sixth session and each ongoing session after this, we will discuss whether we want to continue working together.

In between your sessions I will be available for additional support by phone and email in case you have any questions or situations which crop up that you feel cannot wait until the next scheduled session. I'm basically your mini cheerleader!

any questions?

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Call Sarah - 07714 472383

Email Sarah - [email protected]